Saturday, 5 September 2015

Guest Bedroom Decorating

For the first time ever, K and I have a guest bedroom! I'm very excited to do up a new bedroom in anticipation of friends and family coming over for a visit and a beach-filled weekend.

In light of our new location, I've been inspired by bright, white beach interiors- I want our guests to walk in and immediately feel on holiday!

Here are some of my favourite inspiration starting points:


Photo: Brittany Ambridge, styled by Lauren Soloff

Heidi Carter's Palm Beach house, The Interiors Addict

I'm after a light bright white room with colourful accents and some great art. The room needs to also serve as our mini home office and is where the apartment's water tank lives, so there are definitely some design challenges. Anyone else done a recent guest bedroom decorating project? I'd love to see what you've done! 

For more of my favourite interior inspirations, check out my instagram @j.d.designs

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